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Why Big Articulated Trout Streamers are DEAD
So why is the game changing? It's not a single answer question, but a lot of it has to do with changing river conditions. If you talk to guides around the country the river systems aren't the same today as they were 5, or 10 years ago. This is a result from changing weather patterns. Some river systems aren't anywhere near the same levels as they used to be. As a result you can't get away with using bigger flies because they'll spook fish. Whether its thinner water or clearer water, it's forcing the evolution once again. In general, I see a trend of downsizing their streamer patterns. Instead of a 6" fly, they might use a 4" fly. Instead of using attractor patterns in gaudy colors, they are switching to more prey based imitations. And all of this is a good thing. The one thing about the big streamer bite was it was a grind for the ONE. But if you downsize your streamer, you can still catch the one, but you can also catch many more.